Energy engineering degree : the curriculum (FA)

The training begins with a 6-month “harmonization”, a period of refresher training. This is followed by a 2-year engineering curriculum, leading to the award of the Engineer certified title.


1800 h over 3 years, divided into 5 modules:

  • Engineering sciences: Applied mathematics, electrical energy, dynamics of mechanical systems, applied physics.
  • Regulation, control and networks: measurement chains, automation, sensors and regulation.
  • Engineering management methods: Project management, Functioning of organizations, Economic calculation, Team management, Marketing.
  • Communication and NTIC: English, Information systems, communication, BIM.
  • Energy (basics) : Thermodynamics, Thermal engineering, Fluid mechanics, HVAC engineering, Electrical engineering.
  • Energy (Applications): Renewable energies, building or nuclear thermal engineering (neutronics and energy cycles), energy optimization.

In-company training involves carrying out projects related to the training program. The acquisition of in-company skills is validated by the writing of project briefs and oral presentations.





Engineering sciences Energy Control, Command & Networks
266.5 h Bases 350 h Applications 315 h 168 h
Mathematics Thermodynamics Thermal machines Control and automation
Mechanics Heat transfer Building thermics Electronics and measurement chain
Physics Fluid mechanics Energy audits
Chemistry and process engineering Air conditioning Renewable energy
Excel and VBA programming Electricity and electrical engineering Energy expertise
Python data analysis Energy modelling Energy Technology Project
Envelope and building structure
Communication & NTIC Engineering management methods Preparing the engineering dissertation
390 h 223 h 94.5 h
Synthesis and oral communication Management and project management Sustainable development
Technical synthesis Systems engineering Environmental law
Engineer’s identity Economic calculation Industrial safety
Information systems management Team management, organisation, employment law Propriété intellectuelle
English Statistics, Reliability, Maintenance Intellectual property+ Technical visits (industrial facilities)
Athens Week

Minimum 2 months’ international experience

An  assignment abroad of at least 2 months is compulsory during the course.

Apprentices spend a minimum of 2 months between July and October at the end of 2nd year, either in a foreign company or in a foreign research laboratory. The aim of the foreign assignment is to :

  • open up to other technical and organizational fields;
  • acquire professional experience in a different cultural, linguistic or industrial context;
  • adapt quickly to an unfamiliar context;
    communicate in a different linguistic and cultural environment;
  • deepen linguistic and cultural skills through integration in a foreign country.


Educational methods

A significant part of the program is dedicated to in-company training, alternating with the classroom. Numerous projects drawn from the company’s business activities round off the courses (in Energy, Organizational Functioning, Marketing, Purchasing or Solutions Sales). Each apprentice is assigned a company tutor who advises on the overall implementation of the training project.

A second “school” tutor accompanies the student-engineer, providing methodological and technical support during project writing. The overall aim is to :

  • enhance communication and synthesis skills
    provide project management methods;
  • conceptualize technical knowledge, ;
  • getting used to identifying and assimilating technological innovations.
  • Carrer opportunities

    Career opportunities in the fields of the future Industrial Fluids and Energy, Industrial Environment; Energy and building; Thermal plant operation a...

  • Admissions (FA)

    The course is open to candidates aged under 30 when they sign the apprenticeship contract and holding an undergraduate diploma (DUT, Classes Prépa, Li...

  • The specialized Energy engineering degree in continuing education (FC)

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    The specialized Energy engineering degree in continuing education (FC)