Admissions (FA)

The course is open to candidates aged under 30 when they sign the apprenticeship contract and holding an undergraduate diploma (DUT, Classes Prépa, Licence or BTS).

Admission requirements

The following courses are likely to be offered as apprenticeships:


  • thermal and energy engineering
  • physical measurements
  • industrial engineering and maintenance
  • electrical engineering and industrial computing
  • civil engineering

Classes préparatoires aux grandes écoles

Bachelor’s degree

  • physics
  • engineering sciences


  • fluids energy environment
  • electrical engineering
  • industrial maintenance

The above list is not exhaustive. In the case of applications from other fields, the jury will pay particular attention to the motivation of the candidates.

Calendar 2024

Information meeting: Information to come…..

Selection of applications: applications must be submitted by the deadline of Tuesday 12 March 2024.

Applications must be completed online via the Institut Mines Télécom work-study portal. The portal will be open from 1 February 2024 until 12 March 2024.

The results of the selection process for the written tests will be announced on Tuesday 02 April 2024.

The written tests will take place at the Ecole des Mines de Paris on Friday 5 April in the afternoon and Saturday 6 April (your choice).

Entrance exam

  • Mathematics (1h30 to 2h): BAC level with maths specialisation
  • Thermodynamics (1h): 1st principle, perfect gas
  • English (1h): Year 12 level
  • Summary (45 min): Quick search for information in a technical document. Synthetic formatting

Annual reports from previous years

Interview at Mines Paris or by videoconference for applicants from outside the Paris region

Motivational interviews will be held during the week of 22 to 26 April between 5.00 pm and 7.30 pm (your choice).

Admissibility panel: Tuesday 30 April 2024.

Start of the engineering cycle: Monday 09 September 2024 (subject to signing an apprenticeship contract with a company offering assignments in line with the course objectives).

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