Another agricultural model is possible: a better understanding of the invisible but fundamental role played by micro-organisms in ecosystems.
Supported by its 18 research centres and 230 teacher-researchers, as well as by the strength of its network of partners and professional experts, Mines Paris – PSL offers a range of excellent courses, from the engineering cycle to doctorates, in both initial and continuing education.
Civil Engineering Master’s Degree
Become a player in sustainable, social and human development and an entrepreneur of digital transformation, in France and abroad.
InformedSpecialty Engineering master’s degree
An engineering cycle specializing in Energy, available through continuing education, sandwich courses or validation of professional experience.
InformedUndergraduate programs
Undergraduate courses, integrated into the Cycle Pluridisciplinaire d’Études Supérieures (CPES) and the licence PSL Sciences pour un monde durable.
Master’s degrees in all PSL’s areas of expertise, and immersion in the world of research from the very first year.
Joint degrees Mines Paris-PSL / Albert School
Bachelor’s and Master’s programs designed to train professionals capable of bridging the gap between technology and business management.
InformedSpecialized Masters
14 full-time or part-time specialized master’s programs in 5 areas of excellence.
Corps des mines
Become a Mines Engineer, an interministerial body reporting to the Minister for the Economy, to take on senior responsibilities in government and business.
Executive Education
An extensive catalog of continuing education courses for executives and their managers wishing to acquire new expertise.
Life at Mines Paris – PSL offers immersion at the heart of a community that is both scientifically rigorous and committed to inclusivity and the well-being of everyone.
Clubs and cultural life
Mines Paris – PSL is part of a rich and dense ecosystem. A key player in PSL University…
Located in the heart of Paris, Mines Paris – PSL offers its students a wide range of sporting activities…
Equality Diversity Inclusivity
Mines Paris – PSL is committed to equality in all its forms and is fully involved…
Research at Mines Paris – PSL is carried out in 18 research centres. It is reflected in institutions such as the Bibliothèque, Presses des Mines and the Musée de Minéralogie, which are essential to the development of our understanding of the world.
Mines Paris – PSL promotes and reinforces the development of an open and committed entrepreneurial and innovation culture among students, young alumni and research professors.
PSL University Campus Tour
Visit the emblematic sites of the PSL University establishments
Oral Campus Channel
The Civil Engineering Cycle as told by students
Another agricultural model is possible: a better understanding of the invisible but fundamental role played by micro-organisms in ecosystems.
60, Boulevard Saint Michel, 75006 PARIS +33 1 40 51 90 00
35, rue Saint Honoré, 77300 Fontainebleau +33 1 64 69 47 25
Sophia Antipolis
1 rue Claude Daunesse, 06904 Sophia Antipolis +33 4 93 95 75 75
Z.I. Les Glaizes – 5, rue Léon Blum, 91120 Palaiseau +33 1 69 19 45 00
63-65, rue Henri Auguste Desbruères, 91000 Evry +33 1 60 76 30 00