With and through excellence in research, Mines Paris – PSL takes part to the socio-economic world, bringing together all fields of knowledge.

A unique research model to face global changes

Our systemic, multi-disciplinary approach places research at the heart of economic and societal issues, in order to enlighten choices, train decision-makers and managers, drive action and governance frameworks, and propose innovative methodological tools. It enables to build the link between medium- and long-term action plans and the efficiency and reliability of operational industrial systems.

Theory and practice: an original research orientation

Mines Paris – PSL deploys multi-disciplinary research at the highest international level, focusing on large-scale projects in response to the strategic needs of the business world.

This approach is based on a strong link between academic excellence and socio-economic impact, with strong ties to industry, making Mines Paris the leading French school in terms of research partnerships.

Our scientific integrity

Taking action on major contemporary issues

To meet the ambitions of its strategic roadmap, Mines Paris-PSL is federating and structuring its research forces around the transition to carbon neutrality and digital transformation by creating two institutes: The Transistion Institute 1.5 (TTI.5) and the Institut des Transformations Numériques (ITN).

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Mines Paris – PSL, France’s leading engineering school by volume of contract research

≈33 M€

of contract research per year


research contracts per year


industrial partners


teaching and research chairs


patents and software

15 M€

 software industrialization and marketing activities, by Transvalor


17 research centers in 5 thematic departments

The 17 research centers at Mines Paris – PSL are organized into 5 teaching and research departments, corresponding to the five major themes and issues of the future addressed by the School.



To discover