International influence
At the heart of numerous networks, Mines Paris – PSL offers its students and teaching and research staff the opportunity to develop their international dimension. The School of Engineering maintains numerous partnerships and is at the heart of renowned networks.
Thanks to all these alliances, it mobilises skills from all over the world and offers its students original, high-quality programs.

A large number of international agreements
Mines Paris – PSL has signed partnership agreements and conventions with more than 80 institutions in over 40 different countries. These agreements enable student exchanges (up to and including double or joint degrees ) and research collaborations.
Mines Paris – PSL is also an Erasmus+ charter holder: more than forty Erasmus+ agreements with leading European universities make it possible to organize exchanges of students, teachers and staff in all our courses.
Through Université PSL, Mines Paris also participates in the European Engineering Learning Innovation & Science Alliance (EElisa), alongside 10 European institutions in 7 countries.
All share a common vision of a future European higher education and research area, and the project to create a single European engineering degree.