Validation of Acquired Experience (VAE)
VAE is an individual right enshrined in the French Labor Code.
Valorize your experience with a diploma
VAE enables anyone with at least three years’ professional experience in the field of a diploma to have their skills officially recognized with a view to obtaining certification.
Benefits :
- obtain a national diploma or a diploma from a major establishment (DGE);
- validate your skills ;
- update your knowledge;
- facilitate a change of career direction.
Conditions of eligibility
The first step in this procedure is to evaluate your application to determine its relevance to your professional experience and the diploma you are aiming for.
To apply for VAE, you need to prove, by writing and defending a dossier, that you have the required skills, knowledge and aptitudes as defined in the reference framework of the diploma you are aiming for.
The process
Submission of admissibility file.
Interview with the candidate.
Creation of the validation file.
Interview with the certification panel.
Decision, validation and prescriptions.
Starting a VAE
Our team will help you with your project and answer your questions about :
- VAE procedures at Mines Paris – PSL.
- The diplomas best suited to your experience.
Contacts :
Engineering diplomas Specialized Masters