Listening and monitoring unit
Whether you are directly concerned, have witnessed a situation, or simply wish to obtain information, the PSL University listening and monitoring unit is at your disposal.

Role and operation of the listening and monitoring unit
The PSL listening and monitoring unit offers all Mines Paris – PSL students a confidential space where they can talk and obtain information. Its main missions are to
– To facilitate the reporting of situations involving violence, harassment, hazing or discrimination,
– Not to act as a disciplinary body, with no power to impose sanctions.
Any contact will be followed by an initial response within 7 working days. If a report is made, a listening group will be set up within a few weeks, with the agreement of the person who reported the situation. The purpose of this group is to provide listening and guidance. If necessary, it will register the report. The istening and monitoring unit will then meet to issue recommendations on the action to be taken, and will support the person in the corresponding steps. If the situation requires disciplinary proceedings, your contact will guide and assist you throughout the process.
PSL’s listening and monitoring unit acts within reasonable deadlines and ensures total confidentiality in its exchanges. It operates in complete transparency with the person concerned, in accordance with articles 8 and 9 of its internal regulations.
To contact it, send an e-mail to:
Members of the Listening and Monitoring Unit
The listening and monitoring unit is part of a joint PSL University service. It brings together different establishments around a central mission: to combat discrimination and encourage the free expression of those concerned.
If you are a victim or witness of sexist or sexual violence, harassment, discrimination or hazing, don’t hesitate to contact the istening and monitoring unit or any member of Mines Paris – PSL for personalized help:
- Pamela VAULOT, Student Life Manager
- Sandrine SELOSSE, Teacher-researcher
These people are at your disposal to listen to you, advise you and guide you in any steps you may need to take.