The specialized Energy engineering degree in continuing education (FC)
The ISUPFERE energy engineering speciality is accessible through continuing education and validation of professional experience (VAP). The qualification is registered with the Registre National de la Certification Professionnelle (RNCP) under no. 37668.

The curriculum
The ISUPFERE energy engineering program leads to a diploma in energy engineering from Mines Paris-PSL, under an agreement with the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers and in partnership with ISUPFERE.
The program is aimed at senior technicians with an undergraduate degree (BTS, DUT or equivalent) in scientific and technical specialties, and at least 3 years’ professional experience.
The training
After a 6-month refresher phase, the training program takes place over two full years, alternating between periods at school and periods on the job, leading to the award of the Engineer certified title.
Teaching and organisation
A significant part of the program is dedicated to in-company training, alternating with the classroom. Numerous projects drawn from the company’s activities round off the courses (in Energy, Organizational Functioning, Marketing, Purchasing or Sales of Solutions, IT).