Corporate events

Boost your visibility at Mines Paris – PSL through the many events organized by the BDE Entreprises. Get noticed and create opportunities for your company at the heart of the School.

Take part in a corporate event at the School

L’équipe du BDE Entreprises propose un catalogue d’évènements : des soirées d’échanges avec des étudiants, des ateliers d’écriture de cv, des ateliers de simulation d’entretien, des tables rondes sur des métiers, l’organisation de diners…

You can also work with the students to design a tailor-made event.

To obtain a catalogue of these events, their calendar, prices and registration details, the BDE Entreprise team is at your disposal.


Find out more about events with students

  • Evening meetings between companies and students
  • Round tables
  • Internship and job presentation dinners
  • Mock interviews
  • CV optimisation
  • Combined sessions: CV optimisation and mock interviews
  • Case studies
  • SME/SMI evenings
  • Communications with students
  • Tailor-made offers (fun event, recruitment session for work placements abroad, conference on a social theme, organisation of a sports tournament, support for a club or association)


More information on the BDE website


Take part in the TRIUM Forum

The TRIUM Forum brings together over 200 companies and between 4 and 5,000 students over the course of one day. The event is co-organised by students from Mines Paris – PSL, École des Ponts ParisTech, ENSTA Paris and ENSAE Paris. The next show will be held in October 2024 at the Parc Floral de Vincennes.

For more information or to register, please contact the TRIUM team: 

TRIUM forum website

Take part in the Grand Gala

Book a company table to take part in the Mines Paris – PSL Grand Gala, bringing together students, alumni, professors, School management and companies for a festive dinner and evening in a prestigious setting.

Institutional Contacts

Company relations – Apprenticeship tax :

Johanna Ducret
01 40 51 94 15 

Internship agreements:


To discover

  • The apprenticeship Tax

    Contribute to the training of your future talent and to the reputation of your school by allocating the balance of your apprenticeship tax.

    The apprenticeship Tax
  • Recruitment & employer brand

    Mines Paris – PSL fosters the development of strong, lasting relationships between its students and the business world, both with French and internati...

    Recruitment & employer brand
  • Offer an internship or a job

    We’re offering you a simple, free way to reach our 1,500 students directly via a user-friendly, open-access platform.

    Offer an internship or a job
  • Entrepreneurship

    Mines Paris – PSL, one of France’s leading engineering schools, has a strong entrepreneurial culture, which is reflected in all of its courses and in ...

  • Sponsorship and chairs

    The maintenance of excellence at Mines Paris – PSL and the pursuit of innovation in higher education and research depend to a large extent on financia...

    Sponsorship and chairs