Mechanical & materials engineering

Manufacturing socially useful, sustainable objects with optimized properties and multiple functionalities using materials and new materials is a strategic challenge for the economy of our developed countries.

Research in this field addresses the scientific challenges of developing, transforming, characterizing, shaping and predicting the behavior of different types of materials.

The aim is to manage their life cycle and control their compatibility with health and the environment. This range of expertise covers all types of materials: metals, polymers, ceramics, composites, biomaterials, nanomaterials, etc.

2 research centers are affiliated to this department, headed by Michel Bellet.


 Centre de mise en forme des matériaux (material shaping)

CEMEF focuses on materials transformation and component shaping processes. Its work on materials (metals, polymers and biopolymers, composites, glass) offers a better physical understanding and predictive modeling of processes, the evolution of materials and their surfaces during forming.

The ultimate aim is to define their impact on usage properties: mechanical resistance, damage, fatigue, physical properties, surface quality.


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Centre des matériaux Pierre Maire Fourt (materials)

The CMAT’s activities mainly concern structural materials used in the aeronautics, energy, automotive and mechanical engineering sectors, as well as materials with specific properties or morphologies for energy generation and storage, electronics components and biomaterials. Most of our research is carried out in collaboration with major industrial groups, as well as with SMEs.

The Centre, which is associated with the CNRS, belongs to the Fédération francilienne des laboratoires en mécanique et matériaux.


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  • The Jean Mandel Prize

    Since 1982, the Jean Mandel Prize has rewarded promising young researchers and teams in the field of mechanics of materials, soils and structures. Dis...

    The Jean Mandel Prize