PERSEE: research themes

The PERSEE Centre works on three closely related themes, taking an integrated approach ranging from materials to energy systems.

Themes presentation



Materials and components for energy

Part of our work is dedicated to (nano)materials, produced using two families of complementary processes. The first one involves “soft chemistry” in the liquid phase (e.g. aerogels), and the other uses plasma processes (e.g. carbon blacks) in the “high-temperature” gas phase. Part of our work also focuses on the implementation of these materials and their characterisation in innovative components (e.g. membrane-electrodes assembly).

These developments are focused on three applications: energy storage and conversion (e.g. batteries and supercapacitors, PEMFC fuel cells, etc.) and energy conservation (e.g. thermal superinsulators).

Energy storage and conversion processes

We work on thermochemical conversion: pyrolysis, reforming, assisted combustion of hydrocarbons (especially renewable) and plasma chemical reconversion of CO2. All of the processes developed and studied are based on the use of thermal and non-thermal plasma sources with different integration approaches.

Research into electrochemical conversion focuses mainly on fuel cells and their hydrogen supply. This includes “low-temperature” proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFC) for terrestrial mobility.

A major part of our work also focuses on low-carbon hydrogen production by electrolysis and pyrolysis.

Integration of energy systems

Our research involves developing methods and tools for the optimal integration of innovative technologies (including renewable energies) into energy systems (i.e. networks like smart-grids, multi-energy systems, territories, energy communities, industrial basins, virtual power plants, etc.) and electricity markets.

These include: the development of advanced short-term forecasting methods for energy (wind and solar production, consumption, dynamic capacity of power lines (DLR), market prices); the control and predictive management of the concerned systems on timescales ranging from real time to a few days; and prospective modelling of energy system evolution to optimise planning decisions as part of their transition to low-carbon systems.



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