Signing authorities and other administrative documentation

The delegation of signature is a simple internal organisational measure. It relieves the delegator of part of his work by enabling him to appoint a delegate who will take decisions on his behalf solely in respect of the delegated matters and within the limits of the delegate’s powers.

Article 18 of decree no. 91-1033 of 8 October 1991 relating to the École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris (Mines Paris – PSL) states that the Director General heads the institution and represents it in legal proceedings and with regard to third parties in all civil acts. He exercises all powers not assigned to another authority by this decree and may, in particular, delegate his signature to employees.

The delegation of signature does not cause the delegator to lose the exercise of the delegated powers.

The delegate :

  • may sign documents on behalf of the Chief Executive Officer “by delegation”, for the delegated matters only, within the limits of the delegatee’s powers and for the duration of the delegation;
  • may not sub-delegate the signature he has received to one of his agents;
  • has a delegation of signature issued Intuitu personae, which ceases to have effect as soon as either the Chief Executive Officer or the delegatee him/herself transfers his/her duties;
  • engages the responsibility of the Chief Executive Officer for any document signed in his name.

Deputy Chief Executive Officer

Deputy Chief Executive Officer – 22 octobre 2024


Delegations of signature

Other administrative documentation

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