Collaboration between Mines Paris – PSL and the Château de Versailles

Published on 21 February 2024
Partenariat entre Mines Paris - PSL et le Château de Versailles
The Château de Versailles and the Ecole des Mines have joined forces to explore new applications for the public, based on 3D, virtual and/or augmented reality, and to test out future forms of mediation.

For Alexis Paljic, lecturer and researcher at Mines Paris – PSL, in charge of the MOVIE engineering project (Virtual Worlds – Technology and Society Issues), this is a great challenge taken up by 2nd year engineering students.

Cinq expériences numériques innovantes

Une trentaine d’étudiants, répartis en cinq groupes, ont travaillé de manière intensive pendant plusieurs semaines pour réaliser cinq expériences numériques innovantes, autour du Château, du Grand Trianon, et de la Maison de la Reine. Cette collaboration inédite est l’occasion de tester de nouvelles expériences de médiation, et de valoriser les modèles 3D du Château et de son domaine.

Plus d’infos sur le site du Château de Versailles.

Projet d’ingénierie MOVIE (Mondes Virtuels Enjeux technologie et société)

This project is one of 6 engineering projects offered to 2nd year engineering students at Mines Paris – PSL. The theme chosen for 2022-2023 is “Heritage and Performing Arts”. Its objectives:

  • Prepare for the economic, strategic, technical and perceptual challenges of new modes of immersion and interaction with digital content (virtual and augmented reality)
  • Provide a grounding in virtual reality and real-time image synthesis
  • Raise awareness of the challenges facing the sector among major industry players (automotive, games, cinema)

The projects are carried out in close collaboration with professionals from the world of culture and entertainment, who are keen to explore the uses of virtual reality and interactive 3D applications in their profession. 15 projects involved 2nd year engineering students.

MOVIE website