[Study Day] Renovating for transition

Ecological transition Research Science and society On-site
Du 21 au 22 March

This study day will take place on Thursday March 21 and Friday March 22, 2024 from 9:30 am at Mines Paris – PSL.

While there is a broad consensus on the importance of building renovation policies in the fight against climate change, the ways in which they are deployed divide players, give rise to the emergence of new entities, and provoke unexpected effects and controversy, both in the development of instruments and in their implementation.

While technical and commercial innovation continue to play an important role in this field, other challenges have become more pressing, notably: the overall effectiveness of energy renovation initiatives (implementation of “complete renovations” as opposed to “single-use work”), the need to enhance the skills and coordination of the multitude of small craft businesses involved in these projects, and the ability to support households in defining and managing complex services. The renovation sector is not a single market, but the way in which renovation policies are deployed means that it is open to a wide range of commercial arrangements.

The aim of these study days is to address these issues through the lens of market recomposition. The aim is to encourage encounters and exchanges between the social science research currently being carried out on the theme of renovation from a variety of approaches: through the market, organizations, work, public policies, space, consumption, etc.

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Practical informations :

Date : Thursday, March 21 and Friday, March 22, 2024

Time : Starting at 9:30 a.m.

Location : Mines Paris – PSL, 60 boulevard Saint-Michel, Paris 75006