Webinar TTI.5 #12 – ‘What tools are needed to drive urban transition? – 24 January 2025
Ecological transition
24 January
The Transition Institute 1.5 will hold its twelfth Webinar on Friday 24 January 2025, from 1.30 to 3.30 pm.
On the agenda: What tools can drive city transition?
- “Co-design: a methodological tool for putting data at the service of city transition”by Alexandre AZOULAY (Post-doctoral fellow at the Centre de Gestion Scientifique de Mines Paris – PSL)
- “Solar energy on an urban scale: solar cadastres and beyond to help cities in their Zero Carbon transitions” by Philippe BLANC (Director of the Energy and Processes Department, Lecturer at the Centre d’Observation, Impacts et Energie of Mines Paris – PSL)
- “Innovation approaches at ADEME: New modes of intervention for sober cities and territories” by David CANAL (Urban Innovation Coordinator, Town and Country Planning Division – ADEME).
The session will be moderated by Elena MAGLIARO (Research and Development Engineer, Center for Observation, Impacts and Energy).
There will be time for questions after each presentation