[Debate] How is AI changing energy systems management and its businesses?

Digital transformation Entrepreneurship Research Science and society Hybrid
2 April

On April 2, the Club Systèmes Énergétiques (Energy Systems Club) of the Capenergies Competitiveness Cluster will be holding a day-long event at the Pierre Laffitte Campus of Mines Paris – PSL (Amphithéâtre Mozart).


Artificial intelligence (AI) is having a significant impact on energy network management, bringing significant improvements in terms of operational efficiency, reliability and sustainability. Its integration into energy network management offers substantial benefits in terms of operational efficiency, and resilience, contributing to a transition towards smarter, more sustainable energy systems. What are the implications for the evolution of hardware and software solutions? How can we deal with the transformation of our businesses? By proactively investing in skills development, players in the energy sector can better position their teams to succeed in a constantly changing environment, while maximizing the benefits of AI integration.

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Pratical information:

Date: Tuesday, April 2, 2024 Time: 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Location: Amphithéâtre Mozart, Campus Pierre Laffitte, Mines Paris – PSL, 1 rue Claude Daunesse à Sophia Antipolis