Which engineering school has the best LinkedIn network?

Published on 21 February 2024
Classement LinkedIn.
The online medium Planète Grandes Ecoles has published its LinkedIn 2023 ranking of engineering schools. The podium is made up of CentraleSupélec (78 points), as well as Télécom Paris and Mines Paris – PSL, tied (74 points).

With 4,634 subscribers, including 2,430 alumni (figures as at 3 January 2023), Mines Paris – PSL comes 7th in the rankings by number of subscribers (where Polytechnique, unsurprisingly, retains its advantage…). Ranked 5th for its “influence outside the network”, École des Mines has climbed to 2nd place.

Compared with the 2021 rankings, the Top 5 has changed completely. CentraleSupélec (+1), Télécom Paris (+5), Mines Paris (+7) and AgroParisTech (+7) are ahead of Polytechnique, which has lost 4 places.

LinkedIn 2023 ranking methodology

3 criteria were used for this ranking of engineering schools:

  • The number of LinkedIn subscribers for each school
  • The number of alumni declared on LinkedIn
  • Schools’ extra-network influence (number of subscribers / number of alumni).

Planète Grandes Ecoles is a 100% student-run medium, created by the Mister Prépa and Génération Prépa teams, specialising in news about Grandes Ecoles and companies.

Details of the rankings on the Planète Grandes écoles website