Graduation ceremony: Civil Engineers cycle

Published on 21 February 2024
Remise de diplôme cycle IC
Congratulations to the graduates of the Civil Engineering Cycle at Mines Paris – PSL!

Congratulations to the graduates of the Civil Engineering Cycle at Mines Paris – PSL!

On Saturday 14 October, several hundred of you celebrated your success, to the applause of your families and friends.

For Vincent Lafleche, Managing Director of Mines Paris – PSL:

“There is an extremely positive side to our school: our students’ ability to convey optimism and their deep sense of commitment”.

You are the first class to have completed your studies according to the new teaching model implemented in 2019 around 2 structuring axes:

  • Massive data processing or AI
    The link between ecology and society

We are proud to train engineers who are at the heart of the digital and ecological transitions, equipped to tackle the major challenges of our time.