No. 2 engineering school according to Le Figaro

Published on 21 February 2024
Classement Figaro Etudiant
Mines Paris – PSL in 2nd place in the TOP10 engineering schools according to Le Figaro Étudiant.

Mines Paris – PSL proudly occupies 2nd position in the TOP 10 of the most prestigious engineering schools, according to the Le Figaro Étudiant rankings!

In this 5th edition of the Le Figaro ranking, École des Mines de Paris has moved up one place, demonstrating its academic excellence.

The school highlights the advantages of its smaller classes, offering individualised support from lecturer-researchers.

Its membership of PSL University, ranked 41st in the latest Shanghai rankings, gives it a leading international presence.

The graduation ceremony for students in the Civil Engineering Cycle took place on Saturday 14 October. On this occasion, Vincent Laflèche, Director of Mines Paris – PSL, pointed out that the school had placed the emphasis on “the digital transition and the transition to a carbon-neutral world when overhauling the engineering cycle”. This year’s class is the first to have taken the entire new course, which will be launched in September 2019.

Find out more on the Figaro Etudiant website.