Mines Paris Research Day on July 2: reinventing the link between science and industry

Digital transformation Ecological transition Event Research News
Published on 11 June 2024
Mines Paris Research Day is Mines Paris – PSL’s free annual event dedicated to promising research and innovative solutions to today’s technological and scientific challenges. The event brings together researchers, students, industrialists and decision-makers around the crucial themes of ecological and energy transition, and digital transformation.

In a rapidly changing world, marked by increasingly complex environmental, economic and societal challenges, innovation and research play an essential role. The Mines Paris Research Day is part of this dynamic, offering a platform for discussion and reflection on major contemporary issues.

The issues addressed are varied: energy transition, responsible resource management, data science and artificial intelligence, mobility of the future, and cultural and creative industries.



Why participate?

Taking part in Mines Paris Research Day means immersing yourself in a dynamic environment where knowledge and innovation are at the heart of discussions.

  • Meet experts: researchers and specialists will share their work and visions on subjects linked to scientific and industrial challenges.
  • Discover innovative research projects: The event presents a variety of projects, offering a glimpse of solutions currently under development through concrete demonstrations.
  • Interact with professionals from various sectors: This is an opportunity to establish collaborations, whether you’re a researcher, student, entrepreneur or industrialist.
  • Get inspired and innovate: By attending conferences and testimonials from the worlds of research and industry, participants can find new sources of inspiration for their own work and compare ideas.


Join us on Tuesday, July 2 in the heart of Paris, at 60 boulevard St Michel Paris 6e, to discover concrete solutions to contemporary challenges through cutting-edge work.

See the LinkedIn event



Challenges and solutions to explore

Mines Paris Research Day highlights five major challenges, accompanied by solutions explored by researchers from the school and its partners.

Energy Transition

How can technological advances and multidisciplinary approaches optimize the safety of nuclear infrastructures, the decarbonization of industrial territories, and the efficiency of energy renovation policies, while drawing on the lessons of past climate change?

Discover projects aimed at improving energy efficiency, developing renewable energy sources and reducing carbon footprints. For example, research into hydrogen as a clean energy source or new techniques for energy storage.

Responsible Resource Management

What innovative strategies and emerging technologies can be implemented to improve responsible resource management, integrate eco-design into industrial processes, and develop cities while respecting planetary limits?

Discover projects focusing on the sustainable management of natural resources, waste reduction and the circular economy. For example, studies on the reuse of materials or the design of more sustainable products.

Data Science and Artificial Intelligence

How can recent developments in artificial intelligence, including large language models and digital twin technologies, transform data processing and industrial processes to improve decision-making and environmental management?

AI and data science are at the heart of many innovations, from the automation of industrial processes to the creation of intelligent systems for various applications. Researchers will present advances in machine learning, massive data processing and the development of intelligent algorithms.

Cultural and Creative Industries

How can AI, robotics and motion capture preserve and enhance traditional know-how, while revolutionizing the cultural and creative industries through new forms of art and making?

Explore innovations in the arts, culture and media. Projects cover areas such as the digitization of cultural heritage, interactive technologies for arts and culture, and new business models for the creative industries.

Mobility of the Future

How can innovations in artificial intelligence, materials durability and repair technologies transform transport systems and infrastructure management to create more efficient and sustainable mobility?

Explore research into sustainable mobility solutions and intelligent transportation infrastructures. Projects include innovations in public transport, electric vehicles, traffic management systems and autonomous transport technologies.


To find out more and register (compulsory), visit the Mines Paris Research Day website:

Website & registration


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