Mines Paris – PSL Eligibility Guide

Institutional News
Published on 11 June 2024
Welcome to the Mines Paris – PSL Admissibles 2024 news page, dedicated to students who have just reached an important milestone in their academic career. You are about to join an institution of excellence, renowned for its generalist positioning and innovative, multidisciplinary teaching approach.

On this page, you’ll find all the information you need for the Concours Commun Mines-Ponts (CCMP) 2024, to help you prepare calmly for your admission orals and your entry to the École. We hope that this page will answer all your questions and help you to approach this new stage with confidence and serenity.
Happy reading and good preparation!


Read the PSL letter to eligible candidates


Admissibles Webinar

Join Leïla and Théophile, two Mines Paris graduates, for a live chat on a variety of topics: preparing for the orals, engineering careers with alumni, ranking your choices on SCEI…

To receive future invitations, please complete this form:

Registration for future lives


Monday June 24 live replay: “How to prepare for the orals”.

On the program:

  • How to succeed in orals?
  • Tips for ranking schools on SCEI
  • Career opportunities after Mines Paris – PSL
  • Open questions

Oral session calendar

Oral test session 2024

Eligible candidates are divided between several teams of examiners and between 4 series, each series corresponding to one week of oral examinations.
  • Series 1: Monday, June 24, 2024 to Sunday, June 30, 2024
  • Series 2: Monday, July 1, 2024 to Sunday, July 7, 2024
  • Series 3: Monday, July 8, 2024 to Sunday, July 14, 2024
  • Series 4: Monday, July 15, 2024 to Saturday, July 20, 2024

The series and locations of the oral exams are allocated only to eligible candidates and will be available on the official website of the Concours Commun Mines-Ponts (CCMP).
No individual invitation is sent to each candidate for the admission tests. The dates, times and locations of the oral examinations can be consulted on the website every Thursday at 4pm preceding the week of the oral.
The admission results, ranking lists and oral marks for all series, drawn up after deliberation by the jury, will be published on the site and can be consulted using your personal login and password:

Wednesday, July 24, 2024 from 6:00 p.m.

Candidates should refer to CCMP regulation 2024 for details of the procedures and nature of the oral admission tests, which are held at CCMP schools in the Paris region.

Mines-Ponts concours commun website


Oral exams at Mines Paris – PSL

60, Boulevard Saint Michel, 75006 PARIS

Mines Paris – PSL is organizing oral exams for candidates in four disciplines: Mathematics, Physics, French and English. Three teams of examiners will be present at the school to conduct these interviews. In addition, Mines Paris – PSL welcomes all students for the Industrial Sciences practical test.

Accommodation for eligible candidates during examinations

At the “Maison des Mines et des Ponts”

At Mines Paris – PSL, all first-year engineering students can benefit from a room at the Maison des Mines et des Ponts (known colloquially as “La Meuh”), promoting cohesion within the class and facilitating involvement in student life.

During the competitive entrance exams, the Maison des Mines takes in students who need a room, subject to availability, to facilitate their stay during this period.

It welcomes four groups of eligible students, from Sunday to Sunday, according to the following schedule:

  • From 06/23 to 06/30: 100 students
  • 06/30 to 07/07: 100 students
  • 07/07 to 07/14: 100 students
  • From 07/14 to 07/21: approximately 30 students

For a 7-night stay, rates are as follows:

  • Single room: €55 per night
  • Double room: 45€ per night

For all inquiries, contact the Admissible team by messaging on Instagram :

request for information


L’Abatage is a presentation brochure produced by our students, who share everything you need to know about student life at Mines Paris – PSL (and make you want to join this wonderful school!).

Mining also means extracting the rock from the massif in the mine (the real one, underground) and breaking it up to handle and transport it. There’s very little chance of doing this at the School, even as part of a geology course.

Read L’Abatage 2024

Our Eligible pages

Content is updated every year. Stay tuned!

Student testimonials

Salomé and Amélie with Campus Channel

In this interview, Salomé (1st year) and Amélie (3rd year) share their experiences at Mines Paris – PSL. Accompanied by Matthieu Mazière, Director of Studies, they answer Guillaume Puchercos’ questions about the school, student life, admissions, the program and career opportunities.


Lucie and Timon with Slyki

Lucie and Timon, in their 1st year of the civil engineering cycle, took part in an interview with youtuber Slyki to present the school.

Discovering campus life

Discover the world of Mines Paris – PSL, where learning, creativity and social life come together. From the wealth of clubs and associations to the organization of social life, explore the many facets of life on our campuses, true melting pots of talent and discovery. At Mines Paris – PSL, education goes beyond the classroom, where every moment becomes an opportunity for personal and collective enrichment.

From dynamic clubs to thriving associations, from the meticulous organization of social life to the effervescence of the campuses, immerse yourself in the many dimensions of student life at our establishments. Our campuses are veritable hotbeds of talent and discovery, inviting everyone to immerse themselves in an enriching educational experience, both personally and collectively.

Associative and cultural life

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Equality Diversity Inclusivity

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En savoir plus


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