Honorary mention for the ANDESE thesis prize for Honorine Harlé

Published on 21 February 2024
Honorine Harle prix ANDESE
Honorine Harlé’s thesis on “The factory as designer of its creative heritage: model, organisation and methods for the regeneration of an industrial rules system” received an honourable mention in the 2023 ANDESE Thesis Prize.

Summary of his thesis

Since the beginning of the 20th century, there has been a clear separation between design, a task assigned to the design office, and production, which is carried out in the factory. Over the course of a century, this dichotomy has seen factories evolve and processes optimised, from Fordism to lean management, via Toyotism. The advent of Industry 4.0 is leading us to reconsider this paradigm, raising in particular the place of design in the factory. Design is no longer the prerogative of the design office, but is a property of the production activity. This calls into question the confinement of design to the design office and, consequently, the interface between the factory and the design office. This thesis aims to define and model factory design and its interface with the design office. It also examines the methods for making the factory a designer.

Honorine Harlé defended her thesis on 16/12/2022 and was supervised by Pascal Le Masson and Benoit Weil.

ANDESE was founded in 1953 and currently has 500 members. One of its main objectives is to promote all aspects of the economic professions, including general economics, business management and finance. Its mission is to disseminate knowledge in Economics and Management Sciences. To further research in economics and management. Encourage discussion and reflection, and develop foresight.