Campus Pierre Laffitte hosts Solar Winter School from March 11 to 15

Ecological transition Education Research Brief News
Published on 12 March 2024

In partnership with the SciDoSol sponsorship chair, the Observation Impacts Énergie center at Mines Paris – PSL is organizing the “Solar Winter School” on the Pierre Laffitte Campus in Sophia Antipolis from March 11 to 15, 2024.

This “Solar Winter School” is aimed at postgraduate, masters and doctoral students, researchers and engineers in the field of solar radiation and solar energy, and covers:

  • The basics of solar resource modeling;
  • In-situ pyranometric measurements;
  • Solar resource assessment and forecasting based on Earth observation data from satellites, numerical weather models, in-situ measurements and chemistry-transport models.

The course comprises lectures, practical work, in-situ pyranometric sensor demonstrations and a master class enabling participants to apply the week’s lectures to an intra-day solar forecasting application in Jupyter-Notebook. There will also be time for networking, sharing experiences and social and cultural interaction.

About the SciDoSol Chair

The SciDoSol sponsorship chair – “SCIences de la DOnnée appliquées à l’énergie SOLaire” – was launched in 2022 for 5 years and aims to address various energy transition challenges linked to the characterization, forecasting and exploitation of the solar resource. To achieve its objectives, the Chair intends to exploit the large volume of data provided by Earth observation in combination with cutting-edge data science techniques. SciDoSol’s three pillars are research, education and transfer to society and industry.


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