5 projects nominated for the TTI.5 Prize for Environmental Controversy

Published on 21 February 2024
Prix TTI.5
The Transition Institute 1.5 is organising the 1st TTI.5 Environmental Controversy Award. The prize will be awarded for the best study of a controversy on an environmental issue. Discover the selected projects.

5 projects in the running, demonstrating great depth of analysis

Controversies” at Mines Paris – PSL

Third-year students on the Civil Engineering cycle take the Description of Controversies course as part of their curriculum. The aim of this course is to make engineering students aware of changes in their professional and civic context. The aim is to introduce them to the uncertain world of scientific and technical research by describing an object: the socio-technical controversy.

The Environmental Controversy Prize will be awarded to the best project, following a public vote and a presentation of the 5 nominated projects at the 1st TTI.5 Forum “The security challenges of climate change”.