Double degrees in France

Mines Paris benefits from a large network of partners, including members of Université PSL, enabling us to develop a wide range of double-diploma programs, both in France and abroad. These numerous double-degree options open up a wide range of skills for our students. They can train as research engineers, agronomic engineers, management engineers, architectural engineers, medical engineers, etc.

Research engineers

For several years now, Mines Paris-PSL has been partnering with three Ecoles Normales Supérieures (PSL, Lyon, Paris-Saclay) to offer students a joint program leading to a diploma from both establishments. In the Mines Paris to ENS direction, this involves completing the first 2 years of the Civil Engineering curriculum, then 2 years at one of the ENSs, while taking additional courses to obtain the Normalien diploma. Students wishing to follow this pathway must apply in the middle of their second year to one of the departments of an ENS, and if selected complete their studies at that ENS. This pathway is particularly well suited to students wishing to pursue a career as a teacher-researcher in a scientific discipline (Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science, Mechanics, etc.). In a similar format, it is also possible to do a double degree with ESPCI, also in 4 years, to obtain a diploma from both establishments at the end.


Agro engineer

Students at Mines Paris-PSL can also follow an Agro ParisTech double-diploma. Here too, the double degree begins after 2 years of training at the School, and is pursued jointly at the 2 establishments (different arrangements for the double degree are available). The 4 areas of training offered in the Agro ParisTech engineering curriculum are accessible for this double-diploma.

Management engineer

It is also possible to complete a double-diploma in management engineering, either with a business school (HEC, ESCP), or with the University of Paris Dauphine – PSL. The corresponding courses last 4 or 5 years and are more or less specialized, notably through the choice of specialization during the equivalent of M2. With Paris Dauphine-PSL, for example, there are agreements for the following Master’s degrees:

Master 111: International Economics and Development
Master 203: Market Finance
Master 225: Corporate Finance and Financial Engineering

Architectural engineering

It is also possible to follow a double-diploma in architecture through a partnership with the École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture Paris-Malaquais. This diploma requires the addition of one year of training during a gap year between the second and third years of the cycle, then 2 years (corresponding to an M1 and M2) following the third year spent at Mines Paris-PSL. Students then hold both diplomas.

Md / engineer

A double-diploma is currently being signed with the Université Paris Cité’s Faculty of Health, enabling students to study medicine in addition to their engineering studies. This arrangement enables students to obtain equivalence for the first 2 years of the health curriculum and to enter directly into the third year, provided they have taken a certain number of health-related courses during their time at Mines Paris.