Conference – Trucks and electric roads: towards a winning duo?

21 March

At a time when road transport still accounts for the lion’s share of goods transport in France, can electric technologies transform motorways to achieve carbon neutrality?

On 21 March at 9.30am at Leonard’s, Lab Recherche Environnement invites you to discover the progress of several research and development projects at a conference.


  • A clean shuttle service for road freight

Gustave Eiffel University will present the results of a ground-breaking study into the relevance of a clean shuttle service, analysing existing technologies, the investment required and the environmental impact of such a service. This project, in conjunction with the Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, is part of our Research & Solutions programme.

  • Electric roads being tested on the A10

VINCI Autoroutes will share the progress of an experiment conducted with VINCI Construction, Electreon, Hutchinson and the Gustave Eiffel University on the A10 motorway, where two innovative technologies are being tested to enable electric vehicles to recharge while driving.


François Combes, Lucie Letrouit (Gustave Eiffel University), Nicolas Coulombel (Ecole nationale des ponts et chaussées), Pierre Delaigue, Louis du Pasquier (VINCI Autoroutes) and Maxime Trocmé (VINCI).

Practical information

  • 21 March 2025, from 9.30am to 12.30pm
  • 6 Place du Colonel Bourgoin 75012 Paris
